Thank you NHS banners and stickers

Do you want to thank the NHS staff and key workers?
We’ve got some products you can buy and show your appreciation for the hard work they are doing accross the country.

We’ve got some static cling window stickers available here Window Stickers. These are great to be applied to the inside of windows and show the graphic through so it’s visible from the outside. These are printed to static cling so are suitable for use on all windows. There is no sticky residue so no mess will be left on the window when they are removed. They can be used in cars or on your windows at home

Our banners are printed to 440gsm banner vinyl and hemmed along the top and bottom to make them stronger. They are also fitted with 6 eyelets to enable you to hang them. You can hang them with rope, cable ties, bungee cords or just string if you like! Another great way to show your support. The banners are available here Thank you banners